Friday, September 7, 2012

Grades have been updated in D2L

Hello Fabulous Students,

I have entered grade into D2L for the following items:

Created Blog - this means that you created and sent me your information by the due date.  If you have received no credit for this item it is because you did not send me your information by the deadline.

Plagiarism Test - this is the grade that you emailed me during the first week of class.  You will notice that the test was out of 50 points, whereas the Plagiarism Score was out of 100 points.  I simply divided your score in half to obtain the amount of points you earned for taking that test.

Discussion Week of Aug 27 - Sept. 2 - This will be entered by tomorrow night at the latest.  Check back for an update.

I normally will not email you individually regarding your grades.  It is your responsibility to check your grades often (at least once a week), and email me if you have any questions.

Have a great day everyone!
The Blogging Prof.

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