Monday, October 22, 2012

Week of October 22 - 28

Hello Folks!

Here is what is listed on the Participation Page from D2L for this week.

NOTE: The schedule for the entire semester, and the discussion questions for the entire semester are listed on the Schedule and Participation Pages, respectively.  In case you do not want to wait for the "Monday Post", you are more than welcome to get started by looking at those two pages on D2L.

Due this week:
*Read Chapter 9  - Ethics and Moral Decision Making
*There is no discussion this week
*Group Participation Assessment for assignment #2.  Just as you did for the first assignment, you should fill out an assessment for every person in your group and send it to me. If you do not send me a filled out assessment, you will earn zero points/20, regardless of how your group graded you   Make sure to submit it before Sunday at 11:59pm.
*Assignment #3 due by Dec 2nd @ 11:59pm.  As a reminder, there is no individual component to this paper.  Please continue to work with the SAME group you worked with for the second assignment in the class.  Take note that Assignment #3 is a bit more involved than the first two assignments and will take quite a bit more planning and preparation, so get started right away.  You should touch base with your group members this week to plan a 'real time' meeting.  Email me by Sunday night of this week with when/where your group will meet.

Reminder:  I hold office hours of Tuesday's and Thursday's from 9:30am to 11:30am on Yahoo Messenger.  I can also chat with students over the phone during that time, or at your convenience.  We can always make an appointment to chat over the phone in case you need clarification about something in the class.  And of course, I'm always available through email.

The Blogging Prof.

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