Saturday, December 15, 2012

Final Blog Post

Hello Class!

This will be my final post to this blog.   I hope that you have learned a bit over the course of the semester. My students never cease to amaze me. I think I learn just as much from my students, if not more, than my students learn from me. In short, I have had a great time with you this semester, and wish each of you a relaxing and fun break.  You've earned it.

As of midnight tonight everything should be entered into D2L. Take a look at your total points then compare that number to the following scale to see the grade you earned in Comm 41.

A+ 970-1000
A 940-969
A- 900-939
B+ 870-899
B 840-869
B- 800-839
C+ 770-799
C 740-769
C- 700-739
D+ 670-699
D 640-669
D- 600-639
F 600 and below

I will post grades at some point tomorrow, but I don't think they will be released for a day or two. The mysjsu system will release grades at its own pace.

Again, I have had a great time with you all this semester, and hope that you have a wonderful break!

Signing off for the last time.....

The Blogging Prof

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