Saturday, September 1, 2012

Trouble Commenting?

Hello Folks,

IMPORTANT NOTE:  If you comment on a blog post, you should always reload the webpage (or return later) to see if you can see your comments published.  If you cannot see your comments published on the other students blog post I cannot see your comments to give you points for them.   You should always keep track of your posts and comments by using the "Track Posts and Comments" sheet that is uploaded to D2L under "Getting Started".  However, it is your responsibility to make sure that your posts are published correctly.  99 times out of 100, comments that are not posted correctly is user error.

If you have trouble commenting on posts, please follow these directions:

1). Make sure you are using Firefox as your web-browser (download HERE)
2). Open up Firefox as your web-browser and log into your blog.
3). Open a new tab in the web-browser and link to my blog, and start reading other students blogs (student blog tab is at the top).  Once you have found a blog you want to comment on, click "comment" below the post.
4). Type in your comment and then click on the drop down menu where it says "Comment As".
5). Choose "Google Account"
6). Since you are already logged into your blog in one of the open tabs, you should have no problem seeing your comment.

You can certainly experiment by leaving a message on one of my blog posts if you'd like.
The Blogging Prof.