Saturday, September 29, 2012

Paper #2 Group Assignments

Hello Brilliant Students,

Now that the 'voting' period has ended, I have some results for you:

Out of 19 votes, here are the results:
8 people voted for new groups
11 people voted to stay in the same group

Follow my train of thought here....  There are 7 groups in the class total.  Some group members voted to stay together, whereas some wanted to new group for various reasons.  Some of these reasons are as follows:

*Want to meet new people in the class
*A group member or two was difficult to work with
*I loved my group but simply want a new experience
*I think I would work better with a different group
*It was hard for my group to meet, so maybe a different group would have better availability

Whatever the reason, I have made the decision to keep 3 groups together, and split up the other 4 groups.  The three groups that will continue to work together are groups that almost everyone voted to stay together (a member or two didn't vote).  Whereas the groups I am choosing to split up have one or more votes to be in a different group for various reasons.

Having said that, I will email you the group assignments sometime before the end of our week on Sunday night.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

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