Saturday, August 25, 2012


Hello All!

This is probably repetitive for most folks, but please read through it just in case.

How to post to your blog:
Sign into your blogger account and hit "new post". This will create a new blog post. DO NOT HIT CREATE NEW BLOG - this will actually create a whole different blog. You are simply POSTING to your blog, NOT creating a new blog.

When you comment on a classmate's blog, or even my blog for that matter, your Display Name should show up. This is how I track blog posts and comments. You must be logged into your blogger (blog spot) account in order for your Display Name to show up. Whenever you leave a comment, please make sure you are logged into your blogger account and then comment so your Display Name shows up. I usually sign into my blog, then open up another browser window to make sure my Alias/Display Name shows up.  This works best in FIREFOX.  If you haven't downloaded Firefox, you can do so by clicking HERE.  I don't normally use Explorer for my web-browser, but last semester some students had issues with their Display Names not showing up.  So for simplicity sake, use Firefox - it works. 

The Blogging Prof.

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